Enhancing sustainable water practices through innovative and data-driven solutions...
Driving innovation and sustainability in coastal and marine environments
The maritime sector plays a pivotal role in the economy, transportation, hospitality, and ecosystem protection in many parts of the world. Maritime transportation is the pillar accountable for 70% of freight transported through ports in linkage with other modes of transportation. The growth of the cruise and ferry industry complements the development of coastal areas as tourist attractions with myriad attractions that enhance waterside commercials. Oceans and coasts are currently highlighted as having the potential for a massive energy transition with great challenges with the increasing intensity of coastal area utilization amidst climate change and the development of new regulations requiring a careful balance to attain optimum utilization.
The maritime sector is expected to adjust to the intense use of emerging technologies and the necessity of interconnection to centers of business, manufacturing, trade, and logistics points. The industry is urged to catalyze social and economic development at local, regional, national, and global levels amidst the challenges of net zero carbon emission and the imperative to be responsive to climate change impacting coastal communities and infrastructure.
Our Solutions
BGP team works closely with clients by providing the best ideas in synthesizing the latest port, shipping, logistics, cargo, and coastal environment trends to the planning, design, assessment, transformation, and mitigation and adaptation efforts of a wide range of coastal structures. The precise skills and specialized expert knowledge of our team will help clients achieve cost, time, and resource-effective strategies for ports and marine projects around the world. We specialize in coastal management and engineering with both detailed design products and coastal policy assessments based on local regulatory evolutions and adherence to global maritime infrastructure quality standards.
Coastal Processes Modeling
BGP believes that an adequate comprehension of the coastal setting is a fundamental building block in planning and implementing development projects across the maritime sector. BGP provides sophisticated modeling and analysis services required in the formulation of clients’ various port and maritime structure designs, both in 2D and 3D formats on a comprehensive basis. The analysis includes modeling of currents, waves, wind, sediment transport, shoreline stability, seawater propagation, and other scenarios of alteration to underpin feasibility studies and project expandability.
Coastal Community and Ecosystem Protection
BGP aims to assure the sustainability of all components of the coastal system by protecting the communities and ecosystems within it. We are dedicated to bringing coastal engineers, biologists, and ecologists together to enable people, vegetation, estuarine, riverine, and aquatic species to carry on with their natural best in the ecosystem through nature-based solutions ranging from mangrove, estuary, and floodplain ecosystem restoration and reconnection, fish passage optimization, and on-site bioengineering for shoreline protection.
Sustainability Measures
BGP advocates the journey of turning the maritime sector towards a more environmentally friendly edge and improving the lifespan of assets and value chains. We also always reduce safety risks by looking at potential technical, procedural, and behavioral risks to create safety for all parties. Lastly, our energy expertise supports the design of gas, gravity, off-shore wind farms, waves, and tidal-generated energy planning in coastal areas.
Port and Port Facilities Development
BGP advises on port planning and development in terms of economic feasibility, market needs, cost-effectiveness, technical efficiency, logistics, and network connectivity to provide confidence in our clients’ business projects. We direct the maintenance, renovation, and reorganization of all onshore and offshore port components to ensure the assets last for the long term at their best performance.
Waterfront Design and Management
River and sea waterfront structures have historically played a role in most regions as focal points for region formation, recreation and tourism opportunities, and even defense and security. We enable clients to actualize the long-term role of these structures by ensuring their protection from coastal hazards such as tsunamis, floods, tides, storms, erosion, sea level rise, and other coastal land-sea interaction dynamics. We maintain the local character of each waterfront design to create iconic, high-value regional icons with the latest and best quality architectural and engineering technology.
Digital Innovations
BGP believes that digital solutions lead to better and more efficient planning, delivery, operation, and maintenance processes. BGP utilizes the most appropriate design, testing, optimizing, and inventorying software supporting client’s business project ease and ensuring all the digital components achieve the highest industry standard available across the world.
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